Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The lost weekend

Lost battery power in another town.  Had to depend a lot on freinds, not a happy role for me.  I got little done on the handguards/flyscreen project.

...Assembling matl.  High modulus cf satin weave, red kevlar/cf twill and various supplies.

4 to 1 thin set epoxy, polyvynyl alchohol
The search for templates begins, I was going to split this down the middle, cut off the ends and flatten it out a bit.  Plan rejected because I didn't like the shape or the thought of blunting the available tools on metal.

I like the flat shape but it won't cover my whole hand.

While I'm thinking, I put a layer of carnuba wax on the flyscreen so the PVA will have some backup and the epoxy won't stick.  How do these damn bar ends come off?

Found my shape, bottle is empty, I am going to limn the edges with caligraphy ink and cut it out.

OK, next week I'll be mixing epoxy.